omnia mutantur nos et mutamur in illis. 
Sunday, March 26, 2006

"Like a gold ring in a pig's snout is a beautiful woman who shows no discretion."
-Prov. 11:22

This verse compares a beautiful woman to a gold ring--something highly valuable that not everyone had in Bible times; something to be treasured and taken good care of; something precious. Such is a woman whom God has created--a beautiful woman made in His image! Worldly wisdom will tell you that, for a beautiful woman's body to be of maximum use, it should be shown off to everyone. On the contrary, God tells us that a lack of discretion is utterly wasteful, and that it is saving one's body for one's (future) spouse that grants maximum benefit from it!

When a gold ring is in a pig's snout, who will enjoy it? Who will say, "Wow, doesn't that pig look nice with that ring!" or "That ring is quite attractive!"? Now let's stretch our imaginations by pretending we're somewhere in Africa where men look better with gold rings in their ears. Now, when a man wears a gold ring in his ear, who benefits? Just the man? No, everyone who sees him! Everyone benefits from the aesthetic beauty of that gold ring when it is worn properly. And people will think highly of the beautiful gold ring as well. Likewise, a woman who shows discretion is a benefit to all in more ways than just aesthetic beauty, but a woman who shows no discretion is worthless and gets no positive attention.

But I think there's another comparison here: Men who lust after the woman who shows no discretion are the pig. Young males who haven't learn discipline yet are boys, and grown men who are thoroughly disciplined are men, but adults who lust without discipline are pigs--worse than boys or men, not even fit to be called human. This is quite rebuke to too many young men, even Christian men, I fear.

This is also a warning to women: When you show off your body, not only do you rid yourselves of the company of men godly enough to flee temptation, but you also attract pigs--typically the lost, the men who neither know nor show to others the love of Chirst, the men who lust without conviction and thus lust seemingly without limit, those who treat women as meat, etc. etc. Do you want to be a stud magnet or a pig magnet? "Pigs" exist in a variety of age groups: from probably around age 8 to age 50+ on average (not the exteremes, but the averages, in my rough estimation). Granted, those most active in pig-like thought and behavior are the teens and young adults, but trust me, young boys and middle-aged men generally do lust when the opportunity for them to do so comes about! Why encourage them to treat women in this way? Why put yourself in a pig's snout when you could be enjoyed and treasured by a loving man of God instead? The clothes you wear make a HUGE difference in how you are treated and looked at by men so please dress modestly!

taken from

p.s she is indeed a pig. look at all her pictures.

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